Level 2 – Deepening & Expanding – Online; In English

Training description

In this training, Level 1 graduates learn advanced techniques and deepen their knowledge in a number of selected topics. Participants will also deal with parts that are challenged during their work at the clinic and practice in the presence of trained staff members.

Available for Level 1 graduates only; 36 participants; 32 total learning hours; receive an official certificate of completion. 

Tuition: Tuition for Level 2 trainings is set at the standard international rate of $2,550. Israeli residents are eligible for a significant scholarship

Upcoming Training Dates

All of our trainings are Shabbat Friendly

LEVEL 2 #1227 (D&E) ONLINE; in English

Dates:   July 6-10 (5 days)

Hours:   1:00 PM – 8:30 PM Israel time   Total training hours: 32

Trainer:   Dr. Osnat Arbel

To apply for this training: IFS L2 #1227 Application Form

Training tuition: The official tuition for the IFS Level 2 training is 10,200 NIS for participants residing outside of Israel. This price includes registration and credit card fees. For Israeli permanent residents, the tuition is substantially discounted.